Got this ice-cream recipe from the net. Simple and the kids love it.
1. 2 cups of coffee-mate
2. 200 ml fresh milk
3. 1/2 cup sugar
4. Chocolate emulco flavour
The how:
Beat items no 1 - 3 until well-mixed.
Keep in the freezer for 1 1/2 hour.
Take the ice cream out and beat again (at least 10 minutes). This step is quite important. If not, the ice-cream will not be soft and akan jadi liat macam tanah liat. Believe me... mixer ada berapa tangan yang pegang... This is teamwork
Freeze again. At least 8 hours.
Can simply freeze in a container or use ice-cream mould like this one.
Slurrrppp.... yummy...
*Note: Can also substitute fresh milk with chocolate flavoured milk. And thus no need for chocolate emulco.
We had another RCK recently. It was Hemy (the mothers of all Cik Kiahs) who suggested the event and the place was Bouquet Garni in Shah Alam. Located on the ground floor of RISDA building to be exact. As usual, I went there with Elin. Managed to arrive at the place after some confusion over the exit and the roundabouts.
There were 11 of us. From left: Hemy, Elin, Yus, moi, Ein, Sheila, Arm, Mimi with her extra handbag (her cute son), Reena and Nor. Another member was Mas MS who has already left when we took this picture.
Arm was my classmate from Form 1 to 3. In fact, she sat beside me during Form 1. She was a school debater and her talent memang terserlah since Form 1. Her Malay vocab jangan cerita la.. Memang excellent. I learnt a thing or two from her in Malay subject. Since she was a debater, it is no surprise she's a lawyer now.
Reena and I went to the same school during primary years. And coincidentally, we enrolled in the same secondary school. However, despite being from the same hometown, we lost touch after school days. And we were recently connected via Facebook.
Yus was the school hockey player. We have never been in a same class. The only connection that I had with her was that we were once SM/JM in a popular SM/JM game often played in our school. Well, that's another story for another day I suppose. Kalau rajin...
For the rest of the clan, tak yah cerita la. Dah appear in few of my entries before this.
We had a pleasant culinary experience that day.
I ordered Chef's special pasta. The pasta is cooked with prawns, slices of cili padi and curry leaves. Yummy. The taste of curry leaves is just nice. You can either choose fettucini or spaghetti for the pasta. I chose fettucini.
For something different, I ordered this drink called Mapple. A cocktail of green apple, wild mint, basil leave and soda. The taste? Hmm... well, a shock to my taste buds. Tapi boleh la telan. Not my kind of drink though. Padan muka, nak sangat try something different. 
The rest of us ordered macam-macam. From Arrabiata pasta
to carbonara
to lamb on the rack
to steak
to fish and chips
to salad (hmmm...
diet sungguh cik kiah sorang ni)
and char kue teow.
Oh yes, Bouquet Garni boasted of western dishes, but they also have Malaysian delights such as fried rice and char kue teow. Quite a range of list to choose from. And don't bother to ask the waiter. Bila tanya mana sedap, dia kata semua sedap.
And to top it all, we had desserts.
Pineapple delight. With a layer of cake at the bottom, butter cream in the middle (rasa macam aiskrim pun ada gak) and ntah apa ntah for the upper layer. And yes, such a delight.
Creme brulee. Yummy. Err... imagine having this small dish of dessert to be shared among 10 of us. No wonder, ada sorang tu sanggup bangun dari tempat duduk dia and terjah this dish...
Chocolate fondant. Sebut betul-betul.... bukan chocolate 'pondan' as was mispronounced by one of us. This is super yummy. Tangan siapa la yang enterframe ni...
And macaroons, complimentary from the chef-cum-owner of the cafe. Super duper yummy. Not too sweet. Unfortunately they did not have much for sale that day, or else I would have buy some to bring home.
In addition, we have an extra ingredient that day. Garden fresh cili padi brought by Sheila. Well, let's say it's a trademark of the RCK. Cili padi = mulut laser. The one yang menongkat dagu tu was foreseeing her mouth being chillied...
But that's the beauty of a friendship. Laser macam mana pun, I'm blessed to have them as friends because they made my day. And I'm double blessed to have a generous friend such as Arm who paid the bill. Oh yes, not forgetting the mothers of Cik Kiah, Hemy, who paid for the after-meal drinks. Lain kali belanja la lagi. 
p/s I had to 'cilok' a few pics from Ein (Azreen Ahmat) FB photos. Thanks Ein...