A couple of weeks ago, there was a meeting between the parents who have kids taking UPSR this year and the school's principal. And being one of the parents, off to the school we went on that Saturday.
The event started with a motivational talk by an ustaz who resides in Jerantut. It was a very interesting talk about parenting but unfortunately I can't remember his name. Nor can I remember the consultation company that he's attached to. This memory failure is so frustrating
. But I still remember the gist of his talk and would like to share it here.

'Sayangkan anak, tangan-tangankan'. We often heard this phrase. And usually we refered 'tangan-tangankan' as memukul in the name of educating the kids. The speaker gave different perspectives to that phrase:
1. Tangan-tangankan as in parents using the hands to work and cari rezeki halal in order to provide shelter, food, clothes for the kids.
2. Tangan-tangankan as in parents using the hands to guide the kids and facilitate them to the right path.
3. Tangan-tangankan as in parents using the hands to lift up the kids when they fall or when faced with failures or obstacles in life.
4. Tangan-tangankan as in parents using the hands to spank the kids when necessary. However, this must be done appropriately and has its limits.
5. Tangan-tangankan as in parents put their hands together and du'a; pray to Allah that the kids will grow to be a good muslim/muslimah.
So, next time you consider this phrase during your parenthood, remember its many facets

Hmm... can't help myself, but that is only half the phrase, the other half goes like this: Sayangkan bini, tinggalkan-tinggalkan. Considering from different perspectives, tinggal-tinggalkan does not always mean leave the wife behind while the husband goes to work but can also imply: tinggal-tinggalkan duit sekepuk dua, or kereta 2, 3 bijik or emas berlian sepeti dua... Ok, kidding... 

Anyhow, in living our live, we have an individual with exemplary behavior and character that we can follow i.e. none other than our prophet Muhammad. Mudah-mudahan.
Wishing all readers salam Maulidur Rasul

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